Influencer Marketing: Everything You Need to Know
Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing and most successful marketing methods worldwide. Our research has shown that 60% of consumers have purchased something recommended by an influencer at least once.
This video will cover the what, why & how of influencer marketing, giving you everything you need to know about this growing channel.
The Change Drivers You Need to Know About
The global consumer landscape is currently undergoing a seismic shift, and new generations are calling the shots on what the future of business will look like. These two generations – millennials and Gen Z – make up more than two thirds of the global population and have immense buying power.
One of the biggest challenges for companies today is to keep up with the changing landscape and to adapt their communication to these new audiences’ needs and wants. Do you know how to be relevant to your audience today, and in the future?
How Digital Transformation Affects Fashion Retail Brands
The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation by many years, and the online marketplace is more crowded than ever. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get and keep your audience’s attention amidst the noise.
The companies that will succeed are not the ones that go for the quick win, but those that stay focused on brand building activities, that have a holistic strategy in place for remaining relevant, offering value and catering to the needs of their target audience.
Winning Consumer Trust and Loyalty in the Digital Age
The average western consumer is exposed to more than 3,000 commercial messages every day – how will you make sure your message gets noticed and remembered?
Not only do you need to know where your audience can be found, you also need to figure out how to balance your media mix between all the different channels at hand. Further to this, you’ll need a firm grasp on how your target audience prefers to be communicated with and what triggers them to perform desired actions.
What Separates Marketing Leaders from the Laggards?
To succeed as a marketer today, you need to look beyond trendy buzzwords and clickbait campaigns, and shift the narrative towards key strategic considerations.
Our recent research shows that 58% of marketing teams find proving the ROI of different activities to be the biggest challenge they face. Building the right media mix and knowing how and where to invest your marketing budgets will be essential for any marketing team hoping to succeed in the digital forum. This is why and more importantly, how.
Gen Z & Millennials: What Brands Need to Know
Gen Z and millennials shoppers are redrafting the retail landscape, and as the biggest collective group of consumers globally, brands need to sit up and take notice.
As these newer generations of shoppers enter or grow within the workplace their purchasing power will soon surpass their predecessors, so adapting to their motivations and behaviours will soon be a matter of not just success, but survival. To achieve this, fashion brands need to understand this market inside and out – or risk missing out to competitors getting it right.
How Brands Stand out From the Crowd
Location, location, location – for decades, this principle has been one of the major factors in determining a fashion retailer’s chance of success. But as new consumers ditch the high street in favour of digital platforms and social media, how can fashion brands retain their place in the modern shopper’s psyche? Watch this video to learn four of the most important considerations brands should factor into their marketing strategy if they want to stand out from the competition and stay top of mind.
Navigating Through the Jungle of Marketing Channels
As a marketer today, you have loads of different ways to reach your target audience. The media landscape is a jungle and there are a bunch of marketing channels to choose from. The challenge many of us face are: which channels will best help us achieve our goals and how do I find the right balance in the media mix?
To navigate through the jungle of marketing channels, it can help to use the “See Think Do” consumer journey as a framework to map some of the most common ones.
Different Social Media Tactics – The New Rules of Engagement
As digital natives take hold and younger consumers age up, social media marketing is becoming a key indicator of brand success and longevity. New platforms, tactics and content formats enter the fray and the way fashion consumers interact with social media is changing. Question is: are you changing with them?
Why You Need to Measure the Interaction Effects from Influencer Marketing
A big challenge of measuring influencer marketing is that the effect is not always visible as a direct result of the influencer activation. In reality, as much as 70% of the result appears in other channels, such ad paid search and SEO, which can be tricky to prove. Are you aware of these interaction effects and what they mean for your marketing?